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Welcome to the Daroff-Dell'Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory

OMLAB Office Area

Office Entrance Hall <==> Office Entrance Hall <==> GEN & MG Models

Reception <==> Conference Room

Office: LF Dell'Osso [PI] <==> Office: RJ Leigh [PI] <==> Office: JS Stahl [PI]

Office: JB Jacobs [CoI] <==> Office: Graduate Students/Fellows <==> Office: Graduate Students/Fellows

Office: N-O/Visiting Scientist <==> Vision Testing Room <==> Office: Research Engineers

Coffee <==> OMLAB in the News

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OMLAB Laboratory Area

Lab Entrance Hall <==> Eye-Head & Digital Video/IR Rooms <==> Moog Room

Digital Video/IR Electronics <==> Digital Video/IR Room <==> Digital Video/IR Room

Eye-Head Room <==> Magnetic Search Coil Room 1 <==> Magnetic Search Coil Room 2


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OMLAB Conference 2007
OMLAB Ribbon Cutting

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