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Jonathan B. Jacobs, PhD
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)  
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PubMed Links to Publications of: JB Jacobs

Jonathan B. Jacobs, Ph.D., is an Instructor in the Department of Neurology at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Dr. Jacobs is a Principal Investigator of the Daroff-Dell'Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory.

His research interests include Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome (INS -- previously known as "Congenital Nystagmus" or CN), Fusion Maldevelopment Nystagmus Syndrome (FMNS -- previously known as "Latent/Manifest Latent Nystagmus" or LMLN), and other disorders of the ocular motor system that interfere with the ability to maintain steady fixation.

He is starting a new line of investigation into the use of eye movement analysis to help diagnose mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) in veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (OIF/OEF).

For Mac OS X users:
"Finder Refresher" is a simple AppleScript applet that will force the Finder to regularly update the content of all its windows.
I can't guarantee that it will be perfect, but it certainly beats having to manually click in each window to see what has changed.
Hopefully Apple will fix this sometime in the not-too-distant future.

13 Aug 2004: first posted.
20 Aug 2004: Wow! Over 2500 DLs this past week! I guess I will probably put more work into this to make it more customizable. Maybe it's time to learn AppleScript Studio?

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