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The Daroff-Dell'Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory

Therapeutic Applications
Listed below are therapeutic applications that have resulted from research conducted at OMLAB.

acquired nystagmus (optical stabilization)
acquired nystagmus (base-out prisims and -1S)
acquired nystagmus (dissection, tenotomy, and suture surgery)
acquired pendular nystagmus (gabapentin)
acquired pendular nystagmus ("Dual-Mode Therapy" tenotomy and memantine)
acquired pendular nystagmus (memantine)
benign paroxsymal positional vertigo (exercise regiman)
congenital nystagmus (quantitative evaluation of null for surgery or prisms)
congenital nystagmus (composite or base-out prisims and -1S)
congenital nystagmus (soft contact lenses)
congenital nystagmus (afferent stimulation: vibration or electrical)
congenital nystagmus (dissection, tenotomy, and suture surgery)

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